Pi Chapter History
Authored By Edwin T. Johnson, Ph.D. 

Bloody Pi Chapter was chartered October 28th, 1923 on the campus of Morgan College in Baltimore, Maryland by eight men headed by the Honorable Brother Linwood G. Kroger. Pi is among the first 23 undergraduate chapters chartered. Pi Chapter is believed to be the sixteenth undergraduate chapter chartered, although the realignment under the Atkins administration makes this assertion difficult to verify.

It would be improper to consider the history of Pi Chapter without first discussing at some length the origin of Pi Omega Chapter. It was Pi Omega Chapter that saw fit to establish Pi at Morgan’s campus and has insured Pi Chapter’s persistence over the years. Many men initiated at Pi Chapter were graduated from Morgan but remained in the Baltimore area and became members of Pi Omega. As such, the relationship between Pi and Pi Omega is paternal, cyclical, and concomitant. Both Chapters claim many prominent Omegas.

Pi Omega’s birth in 1921, gives it the distinction of being the oldest graduate chapter in this region. In terms of Fraternity culture, age commands respect. The age of a chapter denotes tradition, prestige, and heritage. Older chapters, have much richer traditions. The age of a Brother should in turn suggest the same character traits as the age of the chapter.

Pi, in turn, has the distinction as the oldest undergraduate chapter in Maryland. Additionally, Morgan, Pi’s home, is the oldest HBCU in Maryland having been founded in 1867 originally as the Centenary Biblical Institute.

Pi Chapter was greatly influenced by the direct contact with the builders and shapers of the Omega Psi Phi Fraternity, Inc. The Brothers of Pi had the opportunity to obtain first hand knowledge about their beloved Fraternity, by walking and talking with one of the founders. Very few chapters had this awesome and inspiring opportunity. Pi Brothers also hosted the writing of the Fraternity’s 1963 History Book and were mentored by the author. This was an experience that only Pi Brothers can claim. These two and several other unique experiences set Pi Chapter apart from all other chapters conceived by Omega.

1937 Pledge Line

1946 Spring Pledge Line
1947 Pledge Line
1949 Fall Pledge Line

1950 Spring Pledge Line
1951 Spring Pledge Line
1951 Fall Pledge Line
1952 Spring Pledge Line
1952 Fall Pledge Line
1953 Spring - The Non Singing Four
1954 Summer Pledge Line
1954 Fall Pledge Line
1955 The Crazy 8
1956 Spring Pledge Line
1957 Spring Pledge Line
1957 Fall Pledge Line
1958 Spring - The Mighty Six
1958 Fall Pledge Line
1959 Spring Pledge Line
1959 Fall - The Soldiering Seven

1960 Fall Pledge Line
1961 The Mighty 10
1963 Fall Pledge Line 
1964 Fall - The Soulful Seven 
1965 Fall - The Sparkling 21 
1967 Fall - Sons of Blood and Thunder
1968 Fall - The Twilight Twelve

1970 Spring - The Grand Funk Railroad 44
1971 Spring - The Terror Ridden 21
1971 Fall - The Black Pride 19
1973 Winter - The New Breed 21
1973 Fall – The Last Nine
1974 The Hotline 18
1975 Fall - The 3-M Seven
1976 Spring - The Fearsome Foursome
1976 Fall - The Tenacious Ten
1977 Fall - The Bad News Nine
1979 Spring - The Notorious Nine

1980 Spring - The New Birth 15 for the Eighties
1980 Fall - Three Shades of Omega
1981 Fall - The Fabulous Fallacious Fickle 14
1982 Fall - The Never Ever Nine
1984 Fall - The Dynamic Dogmatic Dirty Dozen
1985 Fall - The Sadistic Soulful 17 Plus 1 for the Road
1986 Fall - The Action Five
1987 Fall - The Foreign Legion Four
1989 Spring - The Tenacious Too Tuff Ten

1991 Spring - The Knock-em Out Nine
1993 Fall - The Phabulous Phantom Phour
1995 Spring - The Psycho Psomatic Pseven
1996 Spring - The Magnificent 7

2000 Spring - The Sick Sacrificial Six
2001 Spring - The Seven Who Endured
2002 Spring - The Fatal Five
2004 Spring - The Triumphant Twelve Against the World
2005 Fall - The 13 Therapeutic Thoroughbreds
2009 Fall – The 3 Undying Qualities of 3.14

2010 Fall – The Sudden Death 11
2011 Fall – The 7 Siq Surviving Souls of Omega
2013 Fall – The Notorious New Regime Ruthless Wrecking Throwback 13
2015 Fall – The 8 Everlasting Elements of Alchemy
2023 Spring – Anticipated ReBirth 17